Everything Back Again
Installation view Alles wieder zurück, 2014, Stadtgalerie Saarbrücken; Photo: Tom Gundelwein
Installation view Alles wieder zurück, 2014, Stadtgalerie Saarbrücken; Photo: Tom Gundelwein
Installation view Alles wieder zurück, 2014, Stadtgalerie Saarbrücken; Photo: Tom Gundelwein
Installation view Alles wieder zurück, 2014, Stadtgalerie Saarbrücken; Photo: Tom Gundelwein
Installation view Alles wieder zurück, 2014, Stadtgalerie Saarbrücken; Photo: Tom Gundelwein
Installation view Alles wieder zurück, 2014, Stadtgalerie Saarbrücken; Photo: Tom Gundelwein
Animals determine the visual world of the oeuvre by Gabriela Oberkofler: birds, insects, frogs, foxes, cows and horses—animals that mostly are only attended in their injured or dead state—beautiful pictures with radical content! Oberkoflers drawings and installations bring them back to life. They belong to the remembrance of the South Tyrolean artist who continuously grapples in her work with natural and cultural areas or their destruction and loss, to raise the question of identity and obsession. Fences and cages appear here as symbols of established structures and regulations that she sets apart again, with pleasure.
Andrea Jahn, 2014
Bienen, 2013, felt pen on paper, 20 × 30 cm
Schmetterlinge, 2013, felt pen on paper, 20 × 30 cm
Viele, 2013, felt pen on paper, 20 × 30 cm
Maschendrahtzaun, 2014, watercolour on paper, 120 × 90 cm
Detail Schaf, 2014, watercolour on paper, 220 × 114 cm
Schaf, 2014, watercolour on paper, 220 × 114 cm
Blumenkränze, 2013, felt pen on paper, 20 × 30 cm
Detail Heuballen, 2014, ink on paper, 114 × 300 cm
Heuballen, 2014, ink on paper, 114 × 300 cm
Heruntergefallen, 2013, felt pen on paper, 20 × 30 cm
Detail Umgefallener Baum, 2014, ink on paper, 114 × 300 cm
Umgefallener Baum, 2014, ink on paper, 114 × 300 cm
Es tropft, 2013, felt pen on paper, 30 × 20 cm
Fallende Äste, 2013, felt pen on paper, 30 × 20 cm
Mitreißender Bach, 2013, felt pen on paper, 30 × 20 cm
Tannenzapfen, 2013, felt pen on paper, 30 × 20 cm
Traubenhyazinthen, 2013, felt pen on paper, 30 × 20 cm
Everything Back Again
Installation view Alles wieder zurück, 2014, Stadtgalerie Saarbrücken; Photo: Tom Gundelwein
Installation view Alles wieder zurück, 2014, Stadtgalerie Saarbrücken; Photo: Tom Gundelwein
Installation view Alles wieder zurück, 2014, Stadtgalerie Saarbrücken; Photo: Tom Gundelwein
Installation view Alles wieder zurück, 2014, Stadtgalerie Saarbrücken; Photo: Tom Gundelwein
Installation view Alles wieder zurück, 2014, Stadtgalerie Saarbrücken; Photo: Tom Gundelwein
Installation view Alles wieder zurück, 2014, Stadtgalerie Saarbrücken; Photo: Tom Gundelwein
Animals determine the visual world of the oeuvre by Gabriela Oberkofler: birds, insects, frogs, foxes, cows and horses—animals that mostly are only attended in their injured or dead state—beautiful pictures with radical content! Oberkoflers drawings and installations bring them back to life. They belong to the remembrance of the South Tyrolean artist who continuously grapples in her work with natural and cultural areas or their destruction and loss, to raise the question of identity and obsession. Fences and cages appear here as symbols of established structures and regulations that she sets apart again, with pleasure.
Andrea Jahn, 2014
Bienen, 2013, felt pen on paper, 20 × 30 cm
Schmetterlinge, 2013, felt pen on paper, 20 × 30 cm
Viele, 2013, felt pen on paper, 20 × 30 cm
Maschendrahtzaun, 2014, watercolour on paper, 120 × 90 cm
Detail Schaf, 2014, watercolour on paper, 220 × 114 cm
Schaf, 2014, watercolour on paper, 220 × 114 cm
Blumenkränze, 2013, felt pen on paper, 20 × 30 cm
Detail Heuballen, 2014, ink on paper, 114 × 300 cm
Heuballen, 2014, ink on paper, 114 × 300 cm
Heruntergefallen, 2013, felt pen on paper, 20 × 30 cm
Detail Umgefallener Baum, 2014, ink on paper, 114 × 300 cm
Umgefallener Baum, 2014, ink on paper, 114 × 300 cm
Es tropft, 2013, felt pen on paper, 30 × 20 cm
Fallende Äste, 2013, felt pen on paper, 30 × 20 cm
Mitreißender Bach, 2013, felt pen on paper, 30 × 20 cm
Tannenzapfen, 2013, felt pen on paper, 30 × 20 cm
Traubenhyazinthen, 2013, felt pen on paper, 30 × 20 cm